Hello, folks! How're you doin'? Me? – doin' incredible, simply pressing! Where am I going? Happy you inquired! I'm setting off on an excursion toward the nearestblack opening. That's right, unsafe and fearless, that is me! However, relax - I'll keep you in the knowby live-streaming my whole experience! Along these lines, make yourself agreeable and come travelthrough space with me! Alright, along these lines, let me present my spaceship: thename of this super-quick magnificence is "the Invincible," and individuals will not make anything of the kindfor the following a very long while. How could I get a grip of it? All things considered, I have my methodologies. Indeed space distances are seriouslylong. 

That is the reason going there would take waymore time than you'd prefer to spend out and about! For instance, Voyager 1, a space test launchedin 1977, was going out of the Solar System at a speed of 40,000 miles each hour. On the off chance that my space apparatus moved at the equivalent speed,it would take me an entire 77,000 years to get to the closest star! That is to say, truly? It would likewise take me more than a billionyears to cross the Milky Way system! However, fortunately, the Invincible is much fasterthan that. Likewise, I nearly neglected to present my buddy sorry, Liam! Liam is a robot with AI (you know,Artificial Intelligence). That is the reason I have high expectations for him: I'llhave somebody to converse with during the flight, and he can help me if things get truly intense! What's more, presently, let the excursion start! Here we go!… ..3,2,1, launch! Goodness, the Earth is becoming more modest and smallerby the second. 

It seems like no time has elapsed, however thespacecraft is as of now 200 miles over the outside of our planet. Since it's daytime, I can unmistakably see theGreat Lakes sparkling in the sun! Also, oh joy, I've quite recently spotted something movingto the left of my boat! Could it be?.. Right! It's the International Space Station! Did you realize that the station is the mostexpensive single article on the planet? Huh, no big surprise, with a sticker price of $100 billion! This cash would get you 250 Boeing 747s ortwo Louver's with every one of the artistic creations and craftsmanship inside! From my shuttle, the ISS looks pretty big,but I shouldn't be amazed, since the length of the station is more than 350 feet, whichis more than the length of a football field. In any case, I don't have the opportunity to wait, a dark holeis calling for me. Presently, I'm around 1,300 miles over the surfaceof the planet, and I begin to spot satellites to a great extent. I've perused that among satellites, there arelow and high flyers. And keeping in mind that the least flying ones move approximately1,250 miles from Earth (which is the length of 4 and a half Grand Canyons), thehighest venture 22,000 miles into space (which nearly rises to the Earth's perimeter, measuringabout 25,000 miles). Incidentally, not many individuals realize that satellitestravel at a blinding rate, from 7,000 to 18,000 miles each hour! Likewise, the higher a satellite is, the slowerit moves, somewhat talking. 

For instance, the climate following GOES systemof satellites circles Earth once per day a ways off of 22,000 miles over your head andreaches a most extreme speed of 7,000 miles each hour. In the mean time, the ISS, in low earth circle, zoomsat more than 17,000 miles each hour. All things considered, the satellites are as a rule left behind,and my shuttle is as of now taking Liam and me up toward the Moon, around 240,000 milesaway from Earth. That is a similar distance you would go if youwent all throughout our world multiple times in succession! From here, Earth resembles a little, brightblue ball hanging in no place. Also, you know what else? From my shuttle, I can unmistakably see thatthe Moon is definitely not an ideal circle! It's formed more like... gee... definitely, likean egg! Amazing! In any case, bye-bye, Moon, we're going somewhereeven further! I see Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune passingby in the entirety of their magnificence. 

What's more, look, there's Pluto, who used to be aplanet however was subsequently downgraded. From here, Earth resembles a little star that'sgetting fainter and fainter as I'm moving further away. In any case, stand by, what's that? Some article is moving toward me at a high speed,could it be... TESLA?! Hold up! That was close - the thing just stayed away from acollision without a second to spare, and everything happened too quick to even consider seeing it plainly. Be that as it may, I'm almost certain what I just saw was aTesla... The present moment, I'm now super farfrom Earth, similar to 100 cosmic units away. Indeed space distances are so vast,you can't ascertain them in miles. That is the reason researchers utilize the expression "astronomicunit," which rises to 93 million miles – the separation from the sun to Earth. That implies I'm 9.3 billion miles away fromour planet! Yet, w-w-what's going on? For what reason is my spaceship shaking and shaking somuch?! Ok, I see! We're entering the end shock, theplace where sunlight based breezes coming from the Sun travel at a speed of 250 miles for every secondand crash into the material that makes up the universe's experience. 

There! We endured sound, yet there'sanother preliminary ahead - the Oort Cloud. That implies two things: first - we're on theoutskirts of the Solar System; and second - we'll need to overcome a haze of icyobjects circling the Sun a good ways off of a 100,000 astronomic units! At the end of the day, it's 1.87 light-years awayfrom our star. Golly! It should be my day of reckoning since we got throughthe Oort Cloud with only a few of scratches on the rocket's skin. Furthermore, presto! - we're taking off of the SolarSystem only one-10th of a light-year after the fact. Incidentally, in the event that you were attempting to reach thispoint via vehicle, the outing would take you in excess of 19 million years. What's more, regardless of whether you directed one of the fastestspacecraft that exist these days, NASA's New Horizons, you would in any case require 37,000 yearsto complete the excursion! Bring a major lunch. Okay, we've left the boundaries of the SolarSystem, and now, I'm sitting in my spaceship lodge, watching comets and space rocks passby. Time to consider my objective. In the focal point of essentially every galaxy,there's a supermassive dark opening. For instance, one is sitting right at the heartof our Milky Way world, around 27,000 light-years from Earth. In any case, even my boat wouldn't have the option to get thatfar before my 100th birthday celebration. That is the reason my objective is the heavenly blackhole, closest to Earth and a lot more modest in size, however no less baffling! It's V616 Monocerotis (also known as V616 Mon), located3,000 light-years away, and gauging equivalent to around 9 to 13 of our Suns! A dark opening is a creepy spot where thoselaws of material science we learned at school quit working. 

On the off chance that a gigantic star runs out of its star fuel,it turns out to be super-thick and clasps under its own weight, falling internal and bringingspace-time along. Accordingly, the gravitational field of thisnew thing gets so solid that nothing can get away from it, not light! This moment, we're moving toward the dark hole,and very soon, I'll send Liam to investigate it from within! I will not go farther than the skyline, otherwise known as thepoint of no return, and you can most likely think about why, correct? When an item crosses this undetectable line,it can't turn around, regardless of whether it's adjusted its perspective. In any case, Liam says he's prepared to begin hisjourney. There he goes, boldly plunging toward theblack opening while I'm recording all that is occurring to him. 

He's speeding up; it appears as though he'scontorting and extending, as though I'm glancing through a tremendous amplifying glass. Curiously, the nearer to the skyline heis, the more leisurely he appears to move. He's attempting to send me encoded light messages,like we consented to progress of time, yet the light waves stretch to redder and bring down frequencies,"I'm Ok, I m O k..." What's occurring? Liam just froze, as though a colossal finger haspressed an interruption catch, and now, some power is extending him more slender and more slender! Ok, I've found out about this wonder - it'sthe notorious spaghettification, which occurs in a super-solid non-homogenous gravitationalfield! The dark opening's gravity power is strongerat his feet than at his head; that is the reason he's getting loosened up like a piece of spaghetti! Additionally, the sensors advise me that Liam is gettinghotter and more smoking... and afterward… . nothing! He just vanished, and I can't see him any longer. 

Yet, since I did my exploration before the trip,I realize that Liam is in a condition of free-fall now, and feels no seriously extending, scaldingradiation, or gravity. Sadly, the association is lost, andhe can't reveal to me anything about within the dark opening. Well, this is a second I didn't think throughwell enough. In any case, I trust you're Ok out there, old buddy! Furthermore, I think I'll go to prepare formy next space trip! Shouldn't something be said about you? Do you figure I should go as far as possible and explorethis dark opening myself sometime later?