is levitation possible Sadhguru: Levitation? Examiner: Yeah, I mean I get it if energy risesup or something however how could a body ascend, I mean it's against the, it defiesthe law of gravity or something. Sadhguru: See, presently I'm suspending. Sadhguru: How could it happen–is that what you're inquiring? Or on the other hand is it conceivable? Examiner: Is it conceivable and howdoes it occur, and would you be able to do it? Sadhguru: See, is it conceivable? It is conceivable. How can it occur? There will be, there are numerous ways or there are sure routes through which youcan become less and less accessible to gravity. There are sure practices, certain kriyas throughwhich you become less accessible to gravity along these lines, one may suspend, it's conceivable. Or on the other hand, when your kundalini raises with tremendousforce, one may not suspend yet you can see, one's body simply taking off without help from anyone else and landing. It doesn't remain there yet it takesoff and lands, takes off and lands.

 In the event that you put forth a little attempt with no exertion it's occurring – except for in the event that you put forth a little attempt, with littleeffort when the energy is high, it occurs. You probably knew about, you knew about Mayamma? The woman holy person in Tamil Nadu? Mayamma, you've known about her? No one knew where she came from, however it resembled, her highlights said that shemust have been a Nepali yet she won't ever talk. She was in Kanyakumari, the actual tip of Southern India. Her companions were consistently canines. She had an entire band of canines behind her. She was so associated with these dogsthat she would take food from lodgings. You know in these little lodgings theykeep every one of these vada and different things? She'll simply go get it and put it for her canines. 

Along these lines, commonly, individuals, even truly dealt with her. Individuals would beat her, toss stones at her becauseshe snatches food from everyone and offers it to the canines. She won't ever talk. Then, at that point individuals found, certain timeswhen individuals proceeded to watch her, she would be simply drifting on the floods of the sea. She would simply sit this way and just buoy. So as a result of that peoplestopped annoying her, you know. They would secure their food obviously, however they wouldn't mishandle her actually in any case since they saw her coasting on the sea. There are numerous ways you can makeyourself less accessible to gravity. "Would i be able to do it?" I need to stroll on the planet,I have no goal of drifting. Certain individuals who follow the pathof Hatha Yoga ordinarily do these accomplishments. It is of no life importance. 

Presently, in the event that you drift or on the off chance that you levitatefor a couple of moments in a day, how can it modify your life? Our entire exertion here is that you can stroll through life particularly on the ground yet you can walkthrough life regardless of what occurs with your life. Regardless of what sort of circumstances youface, you carry on with life immaculate, still like a youngster, as you were conceived. The number of things occur in your life, it doesn't make any difference. The number of things turn out badly, consistently is an emergency yet at the same time you gountouched through life – this is a marvel. I need every one of you to play out this marvel. On your deathbed in the event that you resemble recently conceived, that implies you have played out a wonderfulmiracle of carrying on with life immaculate. 

That is conceivable. Thus, we are keen on playing out that marvel. Drifting noticeable all around, strolling uponthe water, how will you manage it? Three days in the event that you stroll upon the water,it'll be fine when you stand out enough to be noticed. Consistently, on the off chance that you begin strolling uponthe water, no one will see you, they'll all take their speed boats, and buzz they'll go. Then, at that point you will likewise wish you had a boat, right?